WEF 100th Anniversary
The 45th World Education Fellowship Tokyo International Conference
Organized by WEF Japan section, Tamagawa University, Tokyo, Japan,
11 - 13 September 2021
Last updated: 7 August 2021
Purpose of the Conference
The New Education Fellowship (NEF), the predecessor of the World Education Fellowship (WEF), was founded in 1921 as an international organization representing the New Education Movement worldwide. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the NEF, the 45th World Education Fellowship Tokyo International Conference will be held 11 - 13 September 2021, under the auspices of the WEF Japan section.
The theme of the conference is "100 Years of New Education: Towards the Future of the Children of the World". The conference will summarize the history of 100 years of new education based on the footsteps of the NEF/WEF, and look at the current situation and challenges of children's education, and what we can do and what we should do towards the future of the children of the world.
The programme of the conference will include keynote speeches, symposia, and parallel sessions with the cooperation of the British headquarters, the Germany section, the India section, and others.
Due to the impact of the new coronavirus infection, ARAI Ikuo, the conference director, and the conference organizing committee (chaired by OBARA Yoshiaki, the executive director) carefully discussed the form of the international conference, and have come to a conlusion to host the online conference. The conference executive committee is organized in Tamagawa University, and this international conference will also be held in conjunction with the WEF International Education Forum, the domestic conference of the WEF Japan section.
Furthermore, in 1921, an epoch-making event took place in the history of new education in Japan. OBARA Kuniyoshi (founder of Tamagawa Gakuen and Tamagawa University), who closed the lecture on 8 August 1921, was the first person in Japan to advocate "Zenjin Education". OBARA also served as the President of the WEF Japan section (then called "World Education Japan Association") from 1967 (until 1975), and in August 1973, the 26th WEF Tokyo International Conference ("World New Education Conference") was held under the leadership of President OBARA. This year's conference will also include a symposium to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the advocacy of "Zenjin Education". This is truly a conference to celebrate “two centennials" of the new education.
We sincerely look forward to your participation.
Theme : 100 Years of New Education: Towards the Future of the Children of the World
Dates: 11th (Sat), 12th (Sun), and 13th (Mon) September 2021 (for 3 days) (JST)
Method: online (mainly using Zoom) * We will inform you more in detail as the date gets closer.
Place: Tamagawa University (Tokyo, Japan)
Program Outline
< 11 September 2021 (JST) >
(International) *Only available in English
17.40- Opening Ceremony *Start time has been changed.
Opening Remarks
ARAI Ikuo, President of the Congress, President of WEF Japan section
Greetings from the UK Headquarters
Christine WYKES, Chair of WEF UK Headquarters
18.00-19.00 100th anniversary lecture of NEF/WEF
David TURNER, WEF E-Communications Secretary/ University of South Wales/ Beijing Normal University
Schools of the future/ The future of schools
19.30-21.00 Parallel Sessions 1
Parallel Session A: Education for Children
Chair: ARAI Ikuo, Seisa University
Vice Chair: MATSUI Kathy, Seisen University
1) KONO Michiyuki, Ehara Minami Elementary School / IGAMI Kumiko, Hitomi
School / FUJIHARA Nobuhiko, Naruto University of Education/ Gary Foskett, UK
London3Di institute / YAMASAKI Yoko, Mukogawa Women's University
Group activities for children on Shikoku walking pilgrimages: Development
Informal education programmes based on the six intelligences
2) Sarah Elisabeth GANSS, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
A Digital Atmosphere? Rethinking Bollnow’s Concept of “Pedagogical Atmospheres” in
the Face of Digitalisation
3) Christoph SCHRÖDER, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
On the educative relation in Martin Buber’s Speech about ‘Education’
Parallel Session B: History of New Education
Chair: YAMASAKI Yoko, Mukogawa Women’s University
Vice Chair: KAWASAKI Akiko, Rikkyo University
1) KAWAJI Ayako, Kobe University
Daily Life Writing in Japan: Creating alternative textbooks and culture
Commentator: Peter Cunningham, Cambridge University
2) Karsten KENKLIES, University of Strathclyde
Japanese Bildung: Georg Kerschensteiner’s pedagogical perspective on Japan
3) Pia DIERGARTEN, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Development “Bildung” beyond the Humanist Tradition.
Reforming the German Concept of “Bildung” towards an Education for Sustainable
<12 September 2021 (JST)>
(International) *Only available in
17.00-18.00 Keynote Speech
Ralf KOERRENZ, Friedrich Schiller University Jena /WEF Germany section
The Whole Person as a Key Concept of the New Education
18.15-20.00 100th Anniversary Symposium of NEF/WEF
100 Years of New Education: What Can We Do for the Children of the World?
David TURNER, WEF E-Communications Secretary/ University of South Wales / Beijing
Normal University
ARAI Ikuo, President of the Congress, President of WEF Japan section, Joetsu University of
Education, Seisa University
YAMASAKI Yoko, Mukogawa Women’s University
OBARA Kazuhito, Tamagawa University
MATSUI Kathy, Seisen University
20.30-21.30 Parallel Sessions 2
Parallel Session A: Education for Children
Chair: ARAI Ikuo, Seisa University
Vice Chair: KOBAYASHI Makoto, Tamagawa University
1) Daniel LÖFFELMANN, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Digital Education and its Inherent Link to New/Progressive Education.
A Conceptual Study using the Example of the Latest German School Reform
2) Lena KÖHLER, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Learning to renew the world. Perspective on education with Hannah Arendt
Parallel Session B: History of New Education
Chair: YAMASAKI Yoko, Mukogawa Women’s University
Vice Chair: KAWASAKI Akiko, Rikkyo University
1) Clemens KLEIN, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
What does it mean to be human in a digital world? The pedagogy of Otto Friedrich
Bollnow revisited
2) James OGUNLEYE, Editor of NEW Era in Education
Challenges of Exponential Growth of Students Seeking Admission into Universities Nigeria
<13 September 2021, (JST)>
(International) *Only available in Englisch
16.00-17.00 Parallel Sessions 3
Parallel Session A: Education for Children
Chair: ARAI Ikuo, Seisa University
Vice Chair: KOBAYASHI Makoto, Tamagawa University
1) KOBAYASHI Makoto, Tamagawa University
Analysis of the “Confrontation of Justice” as a learning task towards the nurturing of
Global Citizenship
Parallel Session B: History of New Education
Chair: YAMASAKI Yoko, Mukogawa Women’s University
Vice Chair: KAWASAKI Akiko, Rikkyo University
1) SAKUMA Hiroyuki, Tamagawa University
Peter Petersen’s Mischung as a Key Concept of Grouping in the Jena Plan:
Its Contemporary Significance in the Context of Inclusive Education
18.00- Keynote Speech
Rajeev HAZARAT, President of Gujarat Research Society/ WEF India section
Traditional Values Coupled with Contemporary Thought
Closing Ceremony
Report on parallel sessions
Parallel Session A: Education for Children, ARAI Ikuo
Parallel Session B: History of New Education, YAMASAKI Yoko
Guadalupe G. de TURNER, WEF Secretary General
Priti SACHDEV, Hon. Secretary, WEF India section
Closing Remarks
OBARA Kazuhito, Tamagawa University
WEF International Conference Registration Process & Fees
STEP 1: Click the following URL and complete the following “Conference Registration Form” by 30 August 2021
*Registration for the presentation is already closed. We thank you in advance for your understanding.
STEP 2: The evidence of registration payment to: wefj2021@tamagawa.ac.jp
*For your information:
2. Registration Fees
Participation |
Registration Fees DEADLINE: 30 August 2021 |
Standard Members of WEF, academics staff, professionals, etc. |
4000 JPY (participation fee) + 1500 JPY (as a lifting charge of Kiraboshi Bank in the case of overseas remittance ) + banking charge (paid by the applicant) |
Research Students *A letter of confirmation from your institution is needed as a proof before we can register you as a student. |
2000 JPY (participation fee) + 1500 JPY (as a lifting charge of Kiraboshi Bank in the case of overseas remittance ) + banking charge (paid by the applicant) |
3. Methods of Payments of Registration Fee by Kiraboshi Bank
All participants are required to pay the registration fee by bank transfer.
Please transfer the registration fee to the following bank account:
-Paying Bank, Account with Bank: KIRABOSHI BANK, LTD.
-Branch Address: 2-7-8 Tamagawagakuen, Machida,Tokyo,194-0041,Japan
Tel +81-42-726-2301
-Swift (BIC) Code: TOMIJPJT
-Account No: 060 - 5037883
-Payee, Beneficiary’s Name: WEF JAPAN
-Payee, Beneficiary’s Address: 6-1-1 Tamagawagakuen, Machida, Tokyo, 194-8610, Japan
*Intermediary Bank : MIZUHO BANK LTD. TOKYO, Swift Code: MHCBJPJT
4. Second Methods of Payments of Registration Fee by PayPal (for only Standard)
* Standard: Members of WEF, academics staff, professionals, etc.
You can also pay the registration fee by PayPal. Please click on the "Buy Now" button below. In this case, the amount to be paid is as follows:
Registration Fee: 4000 JPY (participation fee) + 500 JPY (as PayPal payment fee + bank charges) (paid by the applicant)